Saturday, March 12, 2011

Flying to Delhi

Tuesday, March 1st
After breakfast it's time to head back to India for the final leg of our trip. On the Druk Air flight to Delhi, we glimpse Mt. Everest in the distance, and I'm reminded again of the daredevil flights from India over the eastern Himalayas which provided a lifeline to China during World War II.

Our itinerary says the day has been left largely unplanned - that actually means it's a shopping opportunity! After landing in New Delhi, Viji and Janet take us to Khan Market, where they recommend the best jewelers, clothing, and home accessories stores. During a frenzied hour most of us pick up some great finds, and then it's on to the Taj Mahal hotel to check in. Some people venture out again to a crafts market, but I'm shopped out.

This Taj is a New Delhi icon, with expansive gardens, an outdoor pool and some of the best restaurants in the city. Tonight, we sample fine Chinese food at the House of Ming, and late night drinks at Rick's Bar, a famous gathering place.

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